Saturday, August 6, 2011


I'm an atheist, I have to get that out of the way before I say what I have to say. There's this stigma that atheists find themselves to be superior. That they believe that people who find solace in religion to be weak. Though I can't speak for every atheist. I can say that this is not true of me. I have studied religion, I have tried different religions. And in the end I found that faith in a higher power wasn't right for me. But who am I to say it isn't right for you. Religion is fascinating and speaks to so many people on a personal level. They follow a higher power, not because they are weak and need it, but because they feel a real connection to their god. Now, I have considered myself an atheist for 4 years, though I was questioning my faith long before that. In the time since I've made the conscious decision to become an atheist, I don't think you would know unless I told you. Being an atheist doesn't make me into this evil, moral-less monster. Just as being religious doesn't make you a psychotic, elitist zealot. What I think everybody needs to understand is this: My beliefs are influenced by who I am, not the other way round. My beliefs being different from yours shouldn't be the the thing that causes problems. In fact, beliefs shouldn't be argued. No one belief set is right for everybody, and none is better than any other, there's no reason for our differing opinions to cause conflict (though vocalizing things might help you understand each other's position, civil, intelligent discussion is never out the window). If we could all understand this, the world might be a better place.


  1. Jk Jk, atheists get a bad wrap because of all the more renown atheists are public douche bags. Have to admit like every religion, ethnicity, people, and one legged chickens; they are fucking amazing to make fun of. The thing about life is you can make anything funny even when its in bad taste "oh your baby's legs blew off? well.. at least you don't have to buy those roller skates for christmas now"
