Picture Credit: http://benblogged.com/?p=81
Zombies are reanimated corpses who feast solely on the flesh of living creatures, specifically that of humans. They are slow moving, but in large numbers, can easily overwhelm an entire population, even one can overwhelm a population if the people are ignorant enough to let the threat go unnoticed and misunderstood. The only method of disposing of a zombie is to destroy the brain. Now this is all common knowledge for most people (except for the few ignorant people who believe in the "fast" zombies), but to what extent do you understand this knowledge. Do you understand it to the extent of, say, a kid know the names of every pokemon, or, how a trained survivalist knows the layout of the surrounding countryside. The point being, do you know it as a fun joke fact, or as true facts. Do you legitimately believe in zombies. To the non believer it may seem preposterous to believe in something supposedly created in the minds of Hollywood after learning about voodoo zombies, but to the believers, it's much more. Its a way of life. They may not show it, but believers are the ever vigilant watchdogs, attempting to weed out when and where the uprising will begin and how long it will take to put it down. Not to say we are all crazy conspiracy nuts who stand at home with a 12 gauge and some armor on. We just hope to be prepared if and when the zombie outbreak actually happens. We are all over. In your colleges, in your towns, in your state legislatures, even in the highest forms of government. The point is, when the time comes, Zack (military term for zombies, along the lines of Charlie for communists) isn't gonna stand a chance when they come out. Join the resistance. Plan your escape. Gather your supplies. LIve your life normally, but be prepared when the call to arms is issued. Gods Speed to those of you who take these words to heart, and may god help you if you don't
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